If you become a mother and it can not become a child means you miscarriage, then this is the most difficult part for the couple to become parents again, because women not in the state like before. So they have to take lots of precaution to taking this type of decision in it.
You have to take one thing in your mind that you have no need to waste your time any more after miscarriage. Because this is very sensitive time to take any type of decision for both.
If you become a mother for six months and then you loss your pregnancy then you not have to wait for more. You have to try again and be a mother. Because this is become successful things that miscarriage mother can become pregnant again successfully.
So you have no need to worry. Just consult your doctor. He will tell you that what is the right time for you to pregnant.
If you become late then it will only 10% chances to get pregnant for the whole of your life. Now the question arises that on time you can become a pregnant, well it depends on many other things that you have to think about it.
What and how is the relation is with your partner, in what type of environment do you live, weather it is stressed or healthy, what is your and your partners physical state. Do you have ready both for the new relation. And many more things.
When these all question reply positive then you can definitely can do what you want for you future.